In this beautiful valley, the early ripening of coffee, extended by multiple flowerings resulting from constant rains, provides special conditions for the bean, which is characterized by its large size. Turrialba coffee is cherished because it supplies both the national and international markets early. The cup is characterized by a mild acidity, light body, and a delicate and soft aroma.
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The economic activity of the Turrialba region emerged with the opening of the Atlantic railroad. The main city is located to the northeast of the Volcano bearing its name: Turrialba.
During the administration of Costa Rica’s first coffee president, Braulio Carrillo (1833-1842), the first coffee plantations near the cities were fostered by legislation and ease of access to land, which opened the doors to this new production area.
The railroad facilitated the transportation of agricultural products to the country’s center region for its sale, distribution and export. Consequently, coffee growing became an important economic activity for this relatively new production area.
How soil is used is interesting, as coffee is usually grown jointly with sugarcane and paddocks. In an area of 8,500 hectares, including the canton of Jiménez, Caturra and red Catuaí, varieties are grown under the shade of leguminous trees and timber species, mainly Laurel. Soils are of volcanic and alluvial origin.
500 to 1.400
23º C