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The fruit is collected and processed in the summer under conditions of high temperatures during the day and low temperatures in the early morning. This, added to a complete ripening, allows the sugars to concentrate in the bean, resulting in fine cups with a diversity of flavors, such as chocolate, orange, vanilla, and dehydrated fruits. Aromas range from sweet cane and bee honey to delicate florals, such as jasmine. All these in a beverage with a pleasant long-lasting aftertaste, a product of medium to medium-dark roasts.

By the mid 19th century, settlers from the Central Valley migrated to the country’s southeastern region, known today as Los Santos, which owes its name to the fact that most of its districts are named after saints.  Growing coffee became the main activity for the socio-economic development of the region.

Tarrazú is protected by mountain ranges on the Pacific slope, and is a sanctuary of mystical birds and forests. Internationally renowned coffee is produced, sown in small valleys and hillsides of the country’s highest mountains.

Located to the southeast of the capital, San José, Tarrazú grows small-grain Arabica coffee, of a bluish color and good appearance. Lands here produce approximately 650,000 quintals from around 22,000 hectares, formed by small farms of an average size of 2.5 hectares. Coffee is sold 95% as Strictly Hard Bean (SHB).

Coffee production is located in ideal growing conditions, in soils mostly of sedimentary origin, which are acidic due to their components. Most of these plantations are under the shade of different trees in the area.

Los Santos is characterized by well-defined rainy season that lasts seven months (May to November) and dry season (December to April), favoring coffee flowering and harvesting, which takes five months, from November to March.

It coincides with the dry season, allowing for uniform ripening and a high-quality fruit. This also facilitates using the sun for proper coffee drying.


1200 to 1900




18º C



November / March

Ultisols / Inceptisols

Erythrinas, Musaceas and Fruit Trees

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